Lublin Property Reveals Remains of German Shepherd, Now a Decaying Corpse

Employees of animal rescue institutions are accustomed to seeing neglected animals. Unfortunately, this is a part of their job and even though each of them would like for the animals to stop suffering, many human monsters still exist in the world. A recent intervention with a 50-year-old woman from Lublin confirms this.

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Upon receiving the report, the EX GE Foundation employees decided to take immediate action. Upon arriving at the woman’s property, they saw something that really tugged at their heartstrings. They found an extremely emaciated German Shepherd-type female dog in an agonal state, which bore no resemblance to the majestic nature of her breed.

Fundacja Na Rzecz Ochrony Praw ZwierzÄ…t EX LEGE

Fundacja Na Rzecz Ochrony Praw ZwierzÄ…t EX LEGE

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It was truly terrible! It’s hard to comprehend how a woman could do something like this. She kept her dog on a chain, in a cold shed, without access to food. It was clear that the dog was ill, with ear infections and no trace of the beautiful coat she likely once had. Kira, as the rescued dog is named, is practically bald. Tears come to your eyes just looking at her.

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A neighbor alerted the foundation that there was a dog in need of urgent assistance on one of the properties. The neighbor had previously intervened with the dog’s owner multiple times, requesting that she improve the dog’s living conditions, but unfortunately, her efforts were unsuccessful. The heartless woman ignored her neighbor’s concerns and continued to neglect the dog.

Fundacja Na Rzecz Ochrony Praw ZwierzÄ…t EX LEGE

According to the neighbor of the woman, she informed us that the dog owner did not respond to her requests and completely ignored them. She then reported the matter to one of the local animal welfare organizations. Despite the representative visiting the owner of the German Shepherd several times and seeing the condition in which the dog was in, no procedures were implemented to help the animal. Marta WÅ‚osek from the EX LEGE Foundation for the Protection of Animal Rights shared this information during an interview with TVBN24.

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The police accompanied the dog from its property in Lublin. The local authorities are conducting an investigation on this matter. After being taken from the property, the dog received veterinary care and assistance. It was bathed and examined thoroughly. We hope that soon it will find a loving home, while its former owner receives proper punishment for their actions.

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