Transforming an Abandoned Pup into a Travel Buddy: A Couple’s Heartwarming Journey

Megan Mannarelli-Martin and her spouse had been wanting to take a break from their daily routine for quite some time. They are the proprietors of a rescue organization for special needs animals called Rafiki’s Rescue, which makes it difficult for them to go for a vacation. However, they eventually found a way to take some time off and plan a trip. They even took three of their rescue cats along with them to make it possible. After packing up the car and settling the cats, they embarked on their trip, eager to unwind and recharge their batteries.

Unfortunately, the couple’s rescue work appears to haunt them everywhere they go. As they were driving, just four hours after leaving for their vacation, they saw an abandoned dog running down a busy road.

abandoned dog

During their trip, the group found themselves in a remote area where the possibility of the dog they later named Kevin being abandoned was high. They couldn’t just leave him there and immediately sprang into action to rescue him. Even though Kevin was extremely frightened, he was also keen on being rescued. Mannarelli-Martin recounted that it took an hour to establish trust with Kevin and gain his confidence. Pursuing Kevin would have only agitated him further, so Mannarelli-Martin waited patiently for an hour until Kevin came close enough to be rescued.

abandoned dog

After ensuring Kevin’s safety, they made sure she was comfortable in the car and checked for any microchip, but found none. To locate her family, they searched online forums and reached out to nearby shelters. While waiting for a response, they decided to take her along on their vacation.

abandoned dog

After collecting all the necessary items to take care of the little dog, they resumed their journey. Though Kevin was worried initially, as they spent more time with the rescued pup, she began to feel comfortable around them. In a short while, she transformed into a cheerful and loving dog that everyone adored.
Mannarelli-Martin shared that the dog adapted quickly to her new surroundings despite the initial fear and anxiety. On the first night, she was very scared but showed signs of gratitude for her rescuers. By the third night, she was elated and would jump with joy whenever she saw them.

Kevin was once scared for her life while stranded on the road, but now she’s exploring Sequoia National Park with new friends and their rescue cats. Despite her past trauma, Kevin is filled with happiness and enjoys every stop on their road trip. The couple who rescued her can’t believe how amazing she is and feel like it was meant to be. Kevin is described as a “super lovebug” who craves love and cuddles.

rescue dog

Kevin’s road trip has come to a close, and she has comfortably settled into her new foster home. She’s thriving in this environment and enjoys playing with her fosters’ other pets, be it cats or dogs. Soon, she’ll be ready to be adopted by her forever family, unless her foster parents become too attached and decide to keep her. Mannarelli-Martin shared that Kevin will be up for adoption within the next few weeks after receiving her final vaccines, but admits that it might be difficult to part with her as they’ve grown quite fond of her.

abandoned dog

Megan Mannarelli-Martin and her significant other were hoping to take a break from their rescue work for a while. However, as fate would have it, they ended up being in the perfect spot at the perfect time to make a significant impact on Kevin’s life.

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