Heartbreaking: Beloved Canine Endured Agony of Large Salivary Tumor for 6 Years Due to Neglectful Owners.

A sweet dog named Jake is finally getting the veterinary care he needs after his previous owners neglected to address his large salivary tumor for six whole years. Despite being loved by his former family, they failed to take him to a doctor when they noticed his face starting to swell, according to the Long Way Home rescue group.

Jake, a dog known for his good behavior and indoor lifestyle, has been suffering from a salivary tumor for six years, according to his owners who initially thought it was caused by a snake bite. Despite his health condition, Jake continues to impress with his ability to get along well with other dogs and even knows how to shake. This information was provided by a reputable organization.

Last week, Jake was found wandering in a remote area of Texas, and Cribs for Canines immediately began persuading his family to give him up so that he could receive the necessary veterinary care. Jake is currently undergoing treatment in Waco and has already experienced significant relief after a large amount of fluid was drained from his neck, according to the organization. We express our gratitude to the exceptional staff at Texas Animal Medical Center in Waco, particularly Dr. Lide and his colleagues, who have been administering treatment to Jake and removing 1200cc of salivary fluid from his neck. (You can observe the remarkable difference this has made by looking at the last two photographs!)

After six long years, Jake finally achieved a simple feat – being able to turn his head. This may seem like a small accomplishment, but it’s a huge step towards recovery. The good news is that Jake is eating and using the bathroom regularly, and he seems to be in good spirits. However, there’s no guarantee that he will make a full recovery. But, thanks to a dedicated team of people who are working tirelessly to help him, Jake has a fighting chance. If you want to stay updated on Jake’s progress, check out his rescuers’ Facebook page by clicking here.

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