Survival Battle: Mama Pooch with Massive Neck Abscess Fights for Her Pups’ Sake

A street dog who was unwell was trying to take care of her pups despite having a severe infection that caused a large lump on her neck.

Abscess big as balloon on street dog treated and healed. - YouTube

Animal Aid Unlimited, India came to help a distressed animal and found out that the lump that was bothering her was actually a big abscess. This was an infection on her throat area that had collected pus underneath the skin.

According to reports, the woman was thin and exhausted, battling against the terrible virus while also ensuring the well-being of her little pups.

After picking her up, we took her to our medical center where she looked at us with confidence as we began the process of extracting the pus. Within a few hours of receiving treatment, she was already eating and on the road to recovery.

Say hello to Molly – she is now spayed, vaccinated and fully occupied with nurturing her adorable little ones. It’s amazing to witness how quickly Molly bounced back after taking a break for a few days. The video attached below showcases her remarkable recovery and dedication towards taking care of her furry offspring.

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